I feel like the second instance of the hook is not as good as the first or third, but that's just my opinion. The internal rhyme schemes are awesome and expertly placed, so that makes up for the negative opinion.
The beat could be better to be honest. I hear clipping, which is either due to the loud and low audio quality of the beat and the vocals. Actually it is the vocals clipping. Need assistance mastering? I wouldn't mind helping out. :)
"A bar away from a country song//
I lost my car, my job, and I lost my dog"
Did you lose your canine companion recently? Condolences in regards to that last bar in this couplet.
With the theme being IDK, is this another one of those tracks wherein you're trying to get back into the hang of rapping again? I feel like I've heard much better than this from you in the past.
All in all, not bad.
8/10 4/5